Latinum kft
Latinum kft

latinum kft

That implies then that there's a non-radioactive element that's not replicable. In fact, it kind of has to be by reduction: if it's a chemical, it's made of elements and we're back to elements (same argument for alloys or amalgams). If the shuttle Quark's Treasure had any replicators on it, he might be able to replicate even more gold to increase his personal wealth or otherwise screw with the world economy. Latinum seems to be an element (like gold). However, in 1947, gold is still valuable (at least to humans), and if Quark could get his hands on it, he would have used it to leverage extreme control over the economy. The gold keeps it stable, and in a solid and probably non-toxic form, so that you can handle it without ending up like Morn (losing all your hair). Report with financial data, key executives contacts, ownership details & and more for Latin Keramia Kft. Vftiurafincdicorumprinccps, Wrfif/wirwiW cjui appara- doconuiuioprarcft,Wrr/Kfta(iificiorum llintturas eri,- jcus,& machinas intcralios prarciptieftrucm.

Latinum kft serial#

Supposedly, the "minters" of gold-pressed latinum suspend the latinum inside a slip, strip, or bar of gold and slap on a serial number. LATINUM Élelmiszernagykereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelsség Társaság: Short name: LATINUM Kft. The reason gold-pressed latinum is valuable has nothing to do with the gold - it's the latinum inside. Why use it as a currency if some entrepreneur can make a shuttle-load of the stuff in 15 minutes?

latinum kft

But as soon as people started replicating gold, it became useless as a currency and was only valued for its use in electronics (unless it was replaced with something else, too). I don't know what's with latinum specifically, but I'm assuming its got some complex bonds or something to make it impractical or impossible to program into a replicator. Gold is a relatively simple material to replicate, considering it's just a regular old element. The Credit Online business information service is provided by Credit Control Kft., which has been providing credit management services in Hungary and abroad.

Latinum kft